AIDS walk in San Francisco 2010 made 3 million, what a shame! We need money for other things and giving this to the AIDS organization that continue to feed the lie and kill more people
It's time to stop the Fraud of HIV being the cause of AIDS
Time to share these Videos
House of Numbers
The HIV/AIDS Story is Being Rewritten
House of Numbers posted on Vimeo
Rethinking AIDS 2009 Conference
Rethinking AIDS WebSite
HIV=AIDS - Fact Or Fraud
"HIV" does not cause "AIDS", this is just another way for the Government to sidetrack from the fact that it is a man made virus. It is a very clever way to minimize the population by giving the drug "AZT" to "HIV" posttive patients, which in fact is what gives you AIDS and not "HIV".
AIDS Inc. (Gary Null)(2007)
AIDS, Inc. is a film about the multi-billion dollar AIDS industry, and how it profits from continuing fears and misconceptions about the disease. While AIDS grabs the headlines and raises billions of dollars with celebrity endorsements and billionaire endowments, we are no closer to finding a cure than when the scourge first appeared 30 years ago. Could it be that after so many years of research, and so much money being spent, that the entire orthodox medical establishment has been wrong about AIDS, or even worse, has sought to profit on a system that it knew was flawed from the beginning? Doctor Robert Gallo who discovered the HIV virus said that there is no legitimate dissent when it comes to AIDS. But there are more than 5,000 physicians, microbiologists, journalists and activists who disagree and say that we have been misled about the real causes of AIDS and the nature of its treatment. The mainstream media has chosen not to provide an outlet for their opinions. In this important film, documentary filmmaker and health expert Gary Null, traveled to more than 30 countries over an eight year period to seek them out and get their interviews. This is the first film on AIDS that brings the most compelling of their arguments together in one place. Dr. Null blows the lid off the wealthy AIDS industry and shows how greed and corruption have prevented any real progress in fighting the epidemic or its underlying causes. The film challenges the entrenched notion that AIDS or HIV is an African monkey virus that is spread sexually and can be "treated" with harmful drugs. Instead, the film considers the common underlying conditions of the epidemic, such as malnutrition, unclean water, poverty, illness, and poor lifestyle choices. The evidence is damning, and a clarion call to the public that the AIDS Industrial Complex is on the wrong track and has become a spending juggernaut completely out of control. For more information visit www.garynull.com DVD copies are available at www.garynull.com
Deconstructing The Myth Of AIDS (Gary Null)
In 1984 we were told that HIV was the cause of AIDS. In his provocative documentary film, “Deconstructing the Myth of AIDS,” Gary Null, Ph.D., challenges virtually every statement ever made by the American medical industrial complex on the virus - including those of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), the National Institute for Health (NIH) and the Food and Drug Administration (FDA). While presenting the findings of Nobel Prize-winning scientists and leading virologists, the film exposes the political maneuvering, conspiracies and cover-ups that have provided obstacles to the study of this human catastrophe from the start. While presenting the findings of Nobel Prize-winning scientists and leading virologists, the film exposes the political maneuvering, conspiracies and cover-ups that have provided obstacles to the study of this human catastrophe from the start. For example, there are experts who believe that AIDS is the result of multiple factors, including drug use, stress and nutritional deficiency, but that government agencies made a politically strategic decision to de-emphasize these hypotheses and thus discourage certain researchers and their funding. Meanwhile, AZT, an infamously failed treatment for cancer, and now the primary FDA-approved approach to treating AIDS, is highly toxic and can produce the very symptoms of the illness it is prescribed to treat. “Deconstructing the Myth of AIDS” goes beyond medicine and science to question the very foundation of our reliance on government bureaucracies where it concerns matters of life and death.
HIV=AIDS: Fact or Fraud? - A Summary
Peter Duesberg's HIV/AIDS research web site
Rethinking AIDS 2009
On the Edge - Koch's Postulates and retroviruses
April 23 2010 Forum on AIDS from Truther
April 23 2010 Forum on AIDS from Truther from Truther on Vimeo.
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